2020 Meetings

Meeting Name Dates & Locations Topics Covered Documents
Coordinating Committee Regular Meeting

January 8, 2020

Napa County

Prop 1 Application Report

Report on Brownfields Conference



Agenda and Meeting Materials

Meeting Notes

Coordinating Committee Regular Meeting

April 8, 2020

Solano County virtual

Prop 1 Application Update

Roundtable Water Bond Support Letter for IRWM Funding

Protocol for Letters of Support


Agenda and Meeting Materials

Meeting Notes

Coordinating Committee Regular Meeting

May 13, 2020

Yolo County virtual

Prop 1 Recommended Funding Award

Review and Approve New Stormwater Addendum

Submission of YCRCD FY-2020-21 Proposal


Agenda and Meeting Materials

Meeting Notes

Coordinating Committee Regular Meeting

July 8, 2020

Lake County virtual

Arundo Control in the Putah-Cache Watershed

Discuss Clear Lake Water Quality Monitoring

Review 2019-20 Annual Work Plan Accomplishments


Agenda and Meeting Materials

Meeting Notes

Coordinating Committee Regular Meeting

October 7, 2020

Napa County virtual

Presentation: Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) Drinking

EPA Brownfield Grant Application

Discuss Small Grant Program Guidelines


Agenda and Meeting Materials

Meeting Notes

Coordinating Committee Regular Meeting

November 10, 2020

Solano County virtual

Approve Updated Small Grant Program Guidelines

Update on Westside Website

Post-Fire Impacts to Drinking Water Potential Application to Delta Science Program


Agenda and Meeting Materials

Meeting Notes

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