As of 2024, the Westside Sacramento IRWM Coordinating Committee has been awarded over $16M in grant funding for projects in the Westside region. Learn more here.

Funding Resources & Opportunities

Curated List of Funding Opportunities

This workbook is updated about twice each month. It contains worksheets for federal, state, and NGO grants with deadlines, rolling grant opportunities, technical assistance opportunities, public comment opportunities, and past funding opportunities. Grant Funding Sources Spreadsheet

Resources for Grant Seekers

California Grants Portal A searchable database of grants from California Agencies.

Federal Grants Portal Full service website with search function for federal grants and tutorials on how to apply for grants, track applications, and tips on successful grant writing.

Nature-based Solutions Funding Database National Wildlife Federation’s interactive database for communities interested in pursuing federal funding and/or technical assistance for nature-based solutions.

Funding Navigation for California Communities – Let Us Assist You This web page allows a user to enter project information that CivicWell staff will use to provide project scoping support, paired with curated funding opportunity recommendations based on your community’s needs on a first-come, first-served basis.

Federal Funding Guide for Local Governments This guide provides best practices, lessons learned, and helpful resources from local governments that have applied for federal funds.




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